by Rob Laidlaw | Dec 24, 2017 | Blog, Missions, YWAM
Hey friends! I’m alive and well in Cambodia! On February 18, my team and I will fly back to America to debrief and graduate. It’s a ways off but I wanted to take a moment and update you on what’s happening next in the life of Linds. Over this past...
by Lindsay | Aug 2, 2017 | Blog, Missions
I wrote this post on May 15, 2017 while in a Himalayan mountain village. Circumstantial joy. A terrifying combination. You see, joy is a beautiful thing. It enables you to love the broken, it brings life in the darkest of moments, and it allows a servant heart in the...
by Lindsay | Mar 17, 2017 | Blog, Jan DTS 2017, Missions, Nepal, YWAM
Back row: Chris (Arizona), Cole (British Columbia), Leah (British Columbia), Marie (Switzerland), Pontus (Sweden), Cecilia (Sweden), Solomon (British Columbia) Front row: Nick (Florida), Lindsay (Nova Scotia) This current season I’m in is one of great newness...
by Lindsay | Mar 2, 2017 | Blog, Jan DTS 2017, Missions, YWAM
The last few weeks have been quite hectic as the five outreach teams from the September 2016 school returned. We had over fifty additional people on base which made everything a little crowded and a tad louder but throughout the chaos it was amazing! Everyone had just...
by Lindsay | Dec 20, 2016 | Blog, Jan DTS 2016, Missions
I’m at home in Halifax, my feet on the heater, enjoying the Christmas music coming from the kitchen. Mom and Dad are out getting a tree, I’m about to catch up over coffee with a friend, it’s a sweet, chilly season. I’ve been thinking back over...
by Lindsay | Oct 29, 2016 | Blog, Missions, Sept DTS 2016, YWAM
Hiya friends! I’m currently sitting at a picnic table in the shade, eating a popsicle, listening to Ben Rector, and watching students play softball in the yard next to me. It’s a chill Friday afternoon after a busy week in the DTS! This morning’s lecture wrapped...